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The guestbook is closed for posting since 2019, due to spam. If you have any comments or questions regarding this website, please leave a message on the open Facebook page for Vikjavev.

Christa und Dieter Dell

August 20, 2012 12:38 AM

Hi Torsten,

es ist eine sehr schöne homepage. Tusen Takk!!!

Wir kommen schon seit 1986 nach Vik / Vangsnes und verbringen unseren Urlaub auf dem Campingplatz von Familie Lidal / Djuvik Camping. Es ist ein wunderschöner Platz direkt am Sognefjord gelegen.

An dieser Stelle ein herzliches Dankeschön an Erik, Agnes und Eivind Lidal für die Gastfreundschaft und dass wir wieder vier Wochen hier sein durften. Wir freuen uns aufs nächste Jahr, denn in zwei Tagen fahren wieder zurück nach Deutschland.

Christa und Dieter Dell

Ann Gire Cole
Rockport Maine

August 28, 2012 5:22 PM
I acquired through ebay a wonderful photo album that includes at least 20 photos taken in 1920 in Vik i Sogn. The photos are sepia-toned, about 5 inches square, and clearly the work of a professional photographer or a highly skilled amateur. There are exterior and interior photos of the stavkirke and the hovekirke as well as several photos taken on an unidentifed sæter. A handwritten inscription on the cover says "Norge sommeren 1920, To sister Jennie with all good wishes, Bill." I have checked 1920 passenger lists for the Stavangerfjord (of which there are several photos in the album) but have not identified a "Jennie" or "Bill" that might be the ones pictured in the album. If there is an interest in the Vik i Sogn photos, I would be happy to try to scan and email them. If someone could identify the sæter in the photos (or the people) there may be a way to reunite these photos with family members.