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The guestbook is closed for posting since 2019, due to spam. If you have any comments or questions regarding this website, please leave a message on the open Facebook page for Vikjavev.

Are Totland

August 11, 2002 11:41 PM
Det verkar som lauparen skrytealbumet ditt har "slete seg" i yverkant. Slik det er no ser det rett og slett noko sjuskete ut! Vonar dette vert retta sporenstreks!?

Are Totland

August 11, 2002 11:46 PM

Det visar seg at det er eg sjølv som tullar. Lauparen ligg greitt i sporet sitt heilt til eg byrjar "å rulla", då vasar det seg til og heile greia "sporar av". Dette får eg sjølvsagt ta på eiga kappe.

Doug Southard

August 21, 2002 8:19 PM
Greetings from Palo Alto, California! Thank you so much for all the work and talent you have put into your fine website. You have truly mastered the webpage idiom and are a fine artist. . . . I am descended (on my mother's side)from Tor Eirik Fosse Torson (Thompson)of Fosse and Britta Englebrichtsdatter, who came to the USA in 1848, homesteaded in Illinois, and began a family which now has hundreds of descendants spread from coast to coast. I hope to visit Vik some day, but for now your fine photos and information have truly expanded my universe and have given me a great resource to share with my children. Thanks!