
See larger version of image The webmaster fishing trout in the mountains in the summer of 2000. The fish measured 191 cm.

Born in 1974, grew up at the farm Hønsi in Vik i Sogn, Norway.

Educated in Geology at the University of Bergen. I worked as a mudlogger on the oil rigs in the North Sea from 2000 to 2003. In November 2003 I was employed at Vik IT-Partnar AS where I did various computer-related tasks, mostly web developing and design. In September 2005 I started again working as a mudlogger, but went back to Vik IT-Partnar in 2007. From 2008 I ran my own company producing the computer programs called Highslide and Highcharts. From 2010 the company started hiring, and by 2012 we are six employees and four contract workers.

One of my hobbies is local history, and I was working at Vik lokalhistoriske arkiv in the summers 1996-2000 in addition to the related work I have done in my own interest.

I lived in Bergen until the spring of 2002 when I bought an old house at Voll in Vik. Now I live there with my wife Eli and our sons Anders (born 2008) and Lars (born 2011).

Updated 04 Sep. 12

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