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August 1, 2007 1:09 AM
Hundadaga kara. Fy fan, et bø kling.

Jason Clark
Los Angeles

August 2, 2007 4:05 AM
Hello Torstein Hoensi

What an impressive site you have built. I am trying to locate the farm where my ancestors came from in Fresvik. Their last name was Bothum, but I think when they first came to America their name was Botun. You had a farm listed named Botnen. Is this the farm I am looking for?

I tried to send you an email at [email protected] but it did not come through.

I like your site very much. It is very informative. Please let me know if you have any information.

Thanks very much!

Jason Clark

Jason Clark
Los Angeles

August 2, 2007 4:05 AM
Hello Torstein Hoensi

What an impressive site you have built. I am trying to locate the farm where my ancestors came from in Fresvik. Their last name was Bothum, but I think when they first came to America their name was Botun. You had a farm listed named Botnen. Is this the farm I am looking for?

I tried to send you an email at [email protected] but it did not come through.

I like your site very much. It is very informative. Please let me know if you have any information.

Thanks very much!

Jason Clark

ingolf og tove follan

August 4, 2007 11:34 AM
takk for gode vafler og kaffe

Van Moorsel stefan

August 6, 2007 4:54 PM
Very nice town. i have been here on my holliday by a friend who is having the nicest en only pub in town. very nice go on.

Elisabet Jomisko

August 13, 2007 1:30 PM
Kjempefin side for utflytta "Vikjer" når en får "hjemlengsel". Mange flotte bilder!!!!!

Regn i Vik i dag, i Vadsø har vi mer eller mindre sammenhengende hatt pent vær i 3 uker. Akk ja, klimaforurensningene har også sine fordeler.

"Ikke klikk her", slike knapper kan enkelte ikke motstå. Håper jeg ikke ødela noe.

Ha en fin dag.


August 16, 2007 9:10 PM
Ser lauvmeisa bynner å dra på åra no......

London UK

August 23, 2007 10:59 AM
COOL SITE !! Only came for Unsharp mask but found Highslide. Been playing with Spry, but Highslide does it for me. Things are changing fast.

thank you

Spencer Honsey
Burlington, Iowa

August 23, 2007 10:47 PM
I am interested in any information on the descendants of Gutrom Larsson Honsi who took over his farther's farm was born in 1809 and was married in 1833 to Anna Tordotter Brikke. She died in 1849 leaving her husband with seven children. My Grandfather was Sjur Honsi left for America.
We got this web site from Ingred Swenson, who vistied Norway recently. We are coming to Bergen on Sept. 21 and taking small ship cruise along coast.
Spencer Honsey


August 28, 2007 5:16 PM
0,2 grader på Sopande i ettermiddag, og Sogn Avis melder om snø ned til 1000 meter på Rambera (illustrert med fagert bilete for å vise at dei ikkje fer med tull:

Dette betyr at årets høgdepunkt, snjomælarkonkurransen, må lanserast så snøgt som råd for vinteren 2007-08!

Eckhard Hohensee
August 29, 2007 12:18 PM
Viele Grüsse nach Norwegen, Vik und insbesondere nach Arnafjord.

Eckhard Hohensee


August 30, 2007 8:27 AM
Hei du.
Ska helsa ti deg fra han Harald Sundnes. Fodle tyl.
Å elles?

ingrid swenson
deltona florida usa

August 30, 2007 6:08 PM
Dear Torstein,
I visited Vik in early August, 2007 to do some research on my family. I had the pleasure of meeting your parents, brother Svein and his faithful dog. You have already received an email from Spencer Honsi, with whom I have corresponded regarding Honsi ancestors.
My paternal great grandfather was Lars Kjellson Lilloren born in Vik on October 21, 1830, baptised October 24, 1830 and married to Ingeborg Talksdatter on May 25, 1858. Lars and Ingeborg are the parents of my paternal grandmother. Lars was one of the children of Guttorn born in 1825; married to Britta Olsdatter in 1852 and a grandson of Guttorn Kjellson Honsi born in 1745, died in 1809. Not sure what order cousins we would be.
Your website is just fantastic. What a pleasure to review it.
Ingrid Swenson
P.S. I stayed with a first cousin in Vik, Torunn Endstad and her husband, Ivar. Torunn is a first cousin of your mother