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The guestbook is closed for posting since 2019, due to spam. If you have any comments or questions regarding this website, please leave a message on the open Facebook page for Vikjavev.

Ulrich Glaubrecht

October 7, 2009 7:14 PM
Wir waren im Juli 09 an dem Standort der WebKamera! Tolle Aussicht, toller Internetauftritt!


October 9, 2009 6:41 PM
Ich finde den Aufbau der Seite sehr gut. Macht weiter so.

USA Midwest

October 17, 2009 6:07 PM
I've been enjoying your website for years now. Please keep the pictures coming. I've been looking lately at the mountain farms. How long does it takes to walk from a winter farm to a spring or summer farm? I assume none of the mountain farms have electricity, but many appear to be well maintained. How do they get their building materials up into the mountains to work? I see no visible roads to the buildings. - 3rd Great Grandson of Botolv Markusson Moane Vange Stadheim 1815-1894

October 19, 2009 11:11 AM
Lurer på kvifor Doris frå Berlin har valt seg Vikjavev for å promotere heimesidene sine?

United States: Idaho

October 19, 2009 8:09 PM
Very interesting website. I am researching my ancestory and have found out that some of my relatives are from Vik i Sogn. Thank you very much for your detailed information.


October 20, 2009 9:51 AM
Eg trur ho rett og slett er svært aggressiv i promoteringen. Tyske damer i lyd og bilete har no vore eit ganske so kjent fenomen i fleire ti-år. Men det vil eg sei til vevsmeistaren: Får du tilbod om bilete frå Tyskland for å oppdatere fotoalbumet bør du tenka deg om både ein og to gonger! Det er ikkje sikkert at bilete av heimalamb, fuglebrett, bjørkespirar og turrhøy vert det same etterpå.


October 20, 2009 8:16 PM
I click onto your web-site every day to view a similar scene that I viewed daily in 2003 while visiting the grandmother and grandfather of my two beloved grandaughters whose father is from Vik. Thanks to your web-site and the 'touchstones' they sensually create for me, I will always feel a connection to the beauty of both the landscape and the people of Vik, Norway.

Øverst over garden!

October 23, 2009 7:04 PM

jaggu brann dei tannlegekontoret...